Page 16 - D:\SKRIPSI\E-modul descriptive text\
P. 16


                   3. Editing (revising)

                At  this  stage  the  writer  will  revise  or
                improve  the  writing  after  asking  for

                opinions  from  readers.  The  focus  at
                this stage is to make changes to the

                mechanical aspects of writing.

                   4. Final version


                                              At this stage the writer will update or edit

                                              the  writing  that  has  been  previously
                                              owned.  The  author  makes  changes

                                              deemed necessary to produce a final draft
                                              that is ready for publication

                click this image to write

                the final descriptive text

          [15] sparkle stroke Accessed 12 April 2023. time 05.49 WIB
          [16] sparkle stroke Accessed 12 April 2023. time 05.45 WIB
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