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                My gratitude goes to the presence of Allah SWT because of His grace and

                guidance  I  can  complete  the  electronic  module  based  on  fip  PDF  for
                writing  skill  in  10th  grade  Muhammadiyah  1  Pringsewu  High  School.  This

                electronic  module  was  made  by  adjusting  the  smester  program  at
                Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu High School and focusing on descriptive text


                This electronic module is practical, flexible and can be accessed anywhere
                and  anytime  because  this  module  can  be  accessed  on  various  electronic

                devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets, and so on, besides that
                this electronic module is designed in such a way and equipped with video

                discussion of descriptive text so that this electronic module can provide an

                interesting and not boring learning experience.

                I would like to thank everyone especially Fitri Wulandari M.Pd. and Fatma

                Yuniarti, M.Pd.B.I as supervisor 1 and 2 who always provide knowledge that

                is  useful  for  me  so  that  I  can  complete  the  preparation  of  electronic
                modules based on flip PDF for writing skill. Then I also thank Antonius Aan

                Patria, S.T. as a media validator, so that the electronic module based on flip
                PDF for writing skill feasible to use as a learning media.

                I realize that there are still deficiencies in this electronic module, for that I

                am  always  happy  to  receive  constructive  criticism  and  suggestions.  With
                this  electronic  module,  students  are  expected  to  be  able  to  use  it  as  a

                practical  and  innovative  learning  resource  that  provides  a  new  learning
                experience and can increase students enthusiasm in learning to write.

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