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Nurturing Growth: Empowerment Through

        Early Intervention

        Children's Friend's dedication to nurturing and empowering families,      Our multidisciplinary approach and family-centered services ensure
        led us to Adam and Michelle. Adam was referred to Children's Friend  every child receives the support they need to thrive. Stories like
        after he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). At the        Adam's serve as a testament to our ability to empower families as
        time of diagnosis, Adam's mother, Michelle, had recently become           they navigate adversity.
        a single parent. She was navigating this major life transition and
        supporting Adam and his two siblings as best she could. Despite her
        resilience, the family did not have the support it needed.

        Their lives were transformed through the dedication of our Early
        Intervention team. Over a six-month period, our compassionate
        workers, Shanik Pimentel and Marilenis Perez—along with their
        supervisor, Liz Lanni—helped the family deal with the multiple
        challenges that can accompany an autism diagnosis. They helped
        Michelle access Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) resources and
        collaborated with the school department to ensure tailored support
        for Adam's educational needs.

        Michelle was also empowered by workers at Children's Friend to
        reach out to neighbors and explain Adam's diagnosis, which helped
        resolve misunderstandings. Today, the family has greater support
        within their community.                                                                                                                            NURTURING CHILDREN. EMPOWERING FAMILIES.

        Early Intervention provides services to children under age three with
        developmental delays or disabilities. Over the past two decades,
        Children’s Friend has reached thousands of children and families
        through Early Intervention, nurturing the potential of every child.

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