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Improving Access to High-Quality
Child Care
High-quality child care is essential for the healthy development of King, which opened its doors in 2022, was one of the sites to achieve
children during their formative years. The early years of a child's life a five-star rating for the first time this year. This facility is embedded
are crucial for cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Providing an in a mixed-use building that includes affordable housing.
environment that fosters healthy development is not only beneficial
for the child but also contributes to the well-being of families "There's enough to worry about when you're a parent," said
and society as a whole. However, achieving high-quality (and the Dominique, whose child attends Early Head Start at King. "Knowing
ratings to prove it) is a significant challenge with the lack of public my baby is getting the best care possible gives me peace of mind."
investment in early care and education, compared to other wealthy To take part in BrightStars, child care centers conduct annual self-
countries. assessments to determine strengths and weaknesses. Then they
Despite the odds, five Children’s Friend sites earned a five-star plan how to improve to reach a higher star level. As of January
rating from the Rhode Island quality rating entity, BrightStars. 2023, 261 (82 percent) licensed child care centers, 326 (83 percent)
BrightStars measures quality through the implementation of a licensed family child care homes, and 27 (47 percent) public schools
Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System that assesses with preschool classrooms had a BrightStars rating. Eighty-four (26
early care and education programs in the following standards: percent) licensed early learning centers, four (1 percent) licensed
learning environments, teacher/child ratio, maximum group size, family child care homes, and 18 (32 percent) public schools had met
teacher qualifications, leadership qualifications, child assessment, the benchmarks for a high-quality rating of four or five stars.
curriculum, inclusive classroom practices, continuous quality “Making child care available and accessible to families is one part
improvement, and family engagement. of the challenge. Making that care high-quality requires experience,
“A five-star rating for our sites shows that we have the highest coordination, and a deep dedication to the children and families we
quality rating in all 10 standards,” said Kristen Caine, Manager of serve,” said Tanya Anderson, Child Development Supervisor at King.
Early Childhood Partnerships. “We are so proud of our staff at the “We were very excited when we received the news from BrightStars.
Althea, Dean, Dorcas International, King, and Friendship sites, which Our hard work paid off.”
all achieved five stars. A five-star rating is proof that these sites are
offering the highest quality care and education to our children and