Page 175 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 175

If the area is too strong, then a person may worry so much that they are afraid to do or say anything. Shyness is a survival mechanism for avoiding trouble.
        If it is weakly developed, or injured, a person may say inappropriate things, such as swearing too much or talking too much. Remember, the goal of this area
        is to keep a person from trouble via the mouth, so if the person is losing friends by what he says, then the inhibition area is not working well.

        The Premotor area

        The Left premotor area, in upper left front of the forehead, keeps track of sequential patterns -- words, symbols, ideas, that come one after another. This is
        highly important for humans with symbolic thinking.

        The area primarily would have evolved for planning tool use -- how to use tools in a sequential way to accomplish symbolic goal. Because the motor nerves
        cross, this left-brain premotor area controls the RIGHT HAND. Humans are "handed" because one side of the brain specialized to do sequential operations.
        Most humans have symbolic language in the left brain, the reason why most humans are Right-Handed!

        Key talents where this area is important include:

            1.  Tool use - doing a sequence of operations with the right hand.
            2.  "Logical" thinking - putting ideas together in sequence, so one follows another
            3.  Cause and effect reasoning - a basis for scientific thinking and "how-to" analysis
            4.  Grammar - Thinking, speaking and writing language in a sequential way to follow rules.
            5.  Rules for playing Games - what to do in what order, for a logical result. (However, many games like chess also have a strong right-brain component
               of patterns.
            6.  Following recipes and instructions
            7.  Awareness of time, and possibly the passage of time in comparison to other events. (For example, when people are using this part of the brain for
               intensive sequential analysis, such as how to do something on a computer, time awareness seems to fail, and they will say, "I lost track of time."

        The Motor area

        In the Left-brain, this area puts into practice the instructions from the left-brain pre-motor area, but controlling the Right Side of the body. This of course
        covers the Right hand. Because the Left side of the brain is language based, the Motor area also controls strongly the instructions to speak language.
        (Stuttering may involve confusion between the left and right Motor and Pre-Motor areas trying to control the single language ability.)

        The Speech area
        This seems to be a highly developed part of the general motor area, which evolved to handle the difficult muscle control needed for speech creation.
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