Page 236 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 236

Be Totally Honest

        Honesty leads to true awareness, but it requires courage. It’s the courage to face what you fear or find difficult to accept about yourself. When you summon
        the courage to take ownership of your actions, thoughts, and feelings, you will recover the blueprint of your life. You’ll be able to face your fears and find the
        inaccurate beliefs that created them.

                                                    “We make our world significant by the courage of our questions,
                                                                and the depth of our answers.”- Carl Sagan

        When answering the questions that follow, see if you are substituting rationalisations or justifications for your genuine feelings. Check inside and see if you
        are asking yourself “How SHOULD I feel?”, rather than “How do I really feel?”. Monitor if you are speculating intellectually about the answer, rather than
        getting in touch with what you are thinking or feeling.

        Know that in the past you had reasons for being dishonest and that those reasons may no longer be useful or serve your best interests. Know whatever you
        discover about yourself, you can handle with ease and acceptance. Trust that the information you uncover will in some way lead to a greater sense of peace
        about yourself and that the answers to the questions will take you by the hand, and lead you to where you want to go.

        Becoming honest is an act of self renewal. What a sense of freedom you’ll feel when you’re able to admit to yourself...”I want this, or think this, or feel this
        because I’m afraid that...[fill in the blank]. This is the first step toward discovering hidden fears. What a wonderful place to know where you are! It’s difficult
        to reach a destination, when you don’t even know where you’re starting. You need only to gather your courage and look for your beliefs you have about
        yourself and your world. The rewards of doing so will lead you to places of happiness you never knew existed.

        The pages that follow are filled with questions. They are divided the questions into the following categories: Social, Emotional, Significant Relationship,
        Spiritual/Ethical, Financial, Career, Personal, and Personal Definitions. They’re worded in a way to help you get a clearer picture of who you are. It is often
        said that the quality of the lives we choose for ourselves is dependant upon the quality and depth of questions we are prepared to face up to and answer about
        ourselves. Clarity is the goal here, but remember, have fun with the questions. This isn’t intended to be a struggle!


            •  What type of people do I enjoy spending time with?
               (intelligent, open-minded, out-going, self-righteous, reflective, quiet, funny, a bit sad, optimists, readers, pessimists, thinkers, sports-minded, active,
               perceptive, debaters, joke-tellers, etc.)
            •  Why do I enjoy those specific qualities in people?
            •  Do I seek out people similar as I, or different from me? Why is that?                                                                                Page236
            •  Do I have many friends as I just described? Why or why not?
            •  How many close friends do I want based on the amount of time I have?
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