Page 24 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 24

1. Peace of mind

        Without peace of mind, nothing else has much value and will adversely affect the performance you achieve in all other areas, including your relationships with
        loved ones and friends to your business associations. You will usually reflect on how well you are doing at any given time by how much inner peace you enjoy.

        In its simplest terms, you experience happiness and peace of mind to the degree that you are living in sync with your values and free from the destructive
        emotions of fear, anger, doubt, guilt, resentment, anger and worry. The key to peace of mind and happiness minimise the parts of your life that cause you to
        feel you are comprising your values.

        YOUR peace of mind is your normal, natural condition. If your time is spent solely making others happy, you are at the mercy of the feelings of those others,
        whoever they might be. Organising your life around making others happy is a never ending exercise in frustration and disappointment, because it just isn't
        possible. You can't give away what you don't have. You can't make someone else happy whilst being miserable yourself. You can't make others happy unless
        you can make yourself happy first.

        2. Positive perception and perspective

                This is the way we look at everything, filtered through a screen of the beliefs we hold about it in our minds. The beliefs we hold will affect the thoughts
                we have about anything. When mixed with emotion, those thoughts can dramatically affect the way we behave and act and will be reflected in the
                results we achieve.  The perception we allow to reside in our belief system creates our perspective about that subject, person or experience. If follows
        that if the original belief is distorted, erroneous or out-of-date, this can have a dramatic effect, good or bad, on the happiness we experience. Your perceptions
        are such an important and influencing factor in your ultimate happiness that a whole chapter is devoted to it later in the project, where we will learn how to
        create improved perceptions to increase the amount of happiness you attract. (see the Perception Chapter later).

        3. High self-esteem and good attitude

        Adults with high self-esteem are characterised by considering themselves worthy to love and to be loved and respected by others. Their true perception of
        themselves is in harmony with the picture they portray to the outside world.

        When you have healthy self-esteem you accept yourself for who you are, recognising and appreciating yourself for your high self-worth by acknowledging
        your competency, skills, intellect, talent, abilities and good qualities.  The importance of high self-esteem should not be underestimated. It is the foundation of
        your happiness and positively or negatively affects every area of your human existence.

        What is needed is a positive attitude - an attitude of being tolerant towards people, events and circumstances and not being a stickler or a perfectionist.
        It means not to getting upset just because the world is not the way you want it. Your approach to situations is more important than the situation itself.   Page24
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