Page 276 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 276

7 – The Power of Attraction

           The Law of Attraction transfers energy from the spiritual to the physical. Your own thoughts and desires begin the process by attracting energy and
                                                             biologically transferring that energy into form.

                 The greatest teachers this world has ever known have told us that the law of attraction is the most powerful law known to mankind. Great thinkers
                 and philosophers have referred to it over and over again, so many wise words were uttered generations before the scientific advancements we have
                 seen in recent years.

                Your thoughts are energy vibrating at a speed determined by the level of emotional intensity you are feeling about the thought.
                The more excited, or fearful you are, the more rapidly your thoughts emanate out from you and attract similar people and
                situations back into your life.

        Hundreds of books have been written about the law of attraction. Mainstream religions including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam have
        all referred to it in their writings. illustrious characters from history, such as Shakespeare, Beethoven, great thinkers like Plato and Socrates, Emerson and Hugo
        have all shared it in their teachings.  Such credence is now given to its power, that many people world-wide believe it is at the core of understanding human

        World renowned respected speakers and authors such as Brian Tracy and Rhonda Byrne refer to the law of attraction, when they explain that we are all living
        magnets, attracting people and experiences into our lives that are in harmony with our most dominant thoughts.

        Have you ever noticed that the happy people you know seem to attract other happy people? A wealthy person seems to attract more money through creative
        ideas and opportunities. You may know of people who created massive wealth, lost it all, and within a short time regained it again. Whether they were aware
        of it or not, in the first instance, these people created wealth because their dominant thoughts focused on wealth. All or part of the reason for their losing it,
        was as a result of fearful thoughts of losing their wealth being allowed to replace their dominant thoughts of prosperity. Only when they replaced their poverty
        conscious dominant thoughts with thoughts that attracted wealth, were they able to create situations and opportunities that restored their position.

        You are the person you are, in the place that you presently find yourself, with all that you have, because you attracted everything into your life, especially
        because of your thoughts.

        Your friends, family, relationships, job, problems and opportunities have all been attracted to you because of your habitual way of thinking in each area.

        Attraction works everywhere, ALL the time. You can have more, be more and do more because you can change the way you think and the person you are.          Page276
        You can discipline yourself by keeping your thoughts on what you do want and refusing to think about what you don't want. The more you think of yourself
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