Page 148 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 148

house he did, in that road, confirmed his status as a more organised and
               successful criminal at that time.

               I spent many hours at a discreet distance from his house noting car numbers
               and visitors that would appear, passing the information back to John in the
               hope it would build a picture of his associates and activity. Naturally. Much of
               these observations were conducted in plain clothes to minimise the chance
               of being spotted. Nine times out of ten, Blofeld outsmarted the police. We
               knew that for every instance where there was a slither of evidence to
               connect him with something, there were many more often complex offences
               where he had escaped police attention, thus building his luxurious lifestyle.

               Blofeld’s evasive reputation earned him respect among his peer criminal
               associates. Among his suspected activities was acting as the ‘arranger’ of
               firearms for armed robberies, though never resorting to handling the weapons
               himself. His advance share of the eventual proceeds of such activities would
               have been substantial.

               One day, I conducted a school visit near to his house, giving the ‘don’t go
               with strangers’ talk to local kids. Leaving the school, I walked down a gulley
               leading to the road where Blofeld lived. His house was a couple of doors
               down from the gulley. In full uniform, complete with ‘tit-hat’ I turned out of the
               gulley without looking and collided clumsily with a man with such force that
               he fell backward onto a lawn. Apologising, I leant forward to help him up,
               looking into the face of Blofeld. He regained his composure before I did.
               Without uttering a word, his extended stare told me he was taking a mental
               photograph of my face for future reference. That put an end to my discreet
               Blofeld would continue to build upon his life of crime-fuelled luxury, moving to
               one of the more expensive roads in neighbouring Sutton Coldfield.

               It was to be some years after my departure from the force before Blofeld’s
               number was eventually up. As the ringleader of a multi-million-pound fraud
               racket, he was finally caught in the police sting operation that netted him an
               overdue lengthy custodial sentence.  Author and reader will likely arrive at
               the same assumption, imprisoned as at liberty, the prison hierarchy afforded
               him a prestigious position.  No doubt you will detect my disappointed
               cynicism about a judicial system that allows serious criminal activity to be
               almost rewarded.

               Back in civilian life on social nights out, I would occasionally see Blofeld,
               holding court with his hangers-on, his notoriety making him once again, the
               centre of attention. Each time our gazes met, we would both acknowledge
               mutual recognition without exchanging a word.
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