Page 164 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 164

My mind shot back to that first meeting with Chief Superintendent Bagnall
               when I saluted unnecessarily. The Chief was wearing his cap, but I wasn’t
               wearing mine, ‘do or salute or not?’ “Shit I wish I’d taken more notice at the
               etiquette lessons.

               I remember stuttering “All correct Sir!” as I threw up the most professional
               salute I could. I remember feeling relieved I was the only one in the office to
               witness my face reddening with my embarrassment. His broad smile and reply
               put me instantly at ease. “Thank you officer, would you be so kind as to take
               me to the officer in charge of the station?” I had always been told that the
               office man was the man in charge of the station, so exposing my innocence I
               said “I’m in charge of the office for the hour, so that must be me sir”. As he
               removed his hat, he chuckled and said “Of course that’s true officer. What I
               meant was your station Superintendent”. Damn it, of course that’s what he
               meant, he hadn’t made a special journey from headquarters just to see you,
               you pratl! I hoped he got this reaction frequently so I wouldn’t feel such an
               idiot, but now was not the time to waste asking him such questions.

               As I escorted him upstairs at the station and across the connecting bridge,
               we passed other officers who saluted him. I wanted to tell them “He’s taken
               his hat off you don’t need to salute him”, but it hardly seemed appropriate as
               he thanked each one of them smiling cordially.

               Thankfully, someone had pre-warned the Superintendent of the Chiefs arrival,
               because he was waiting outside his office as we approached. The Chief
               smiled in recognition of the Superintendent and his closing comments were to
               stick in my mind till this day. “This smart officer, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your
               name?” “PC Bennett sir” The Superintendent said before I got chance.  “This
               smart officer has been very polite and courteous escorting me to your door,
               thank you PC Bennett” The Chief said.
               Something as minor as this for some reason made me glow with pride. As the
               Chief walked into the Superintendents’ office, the Super gave me a look that
               said “Ok you’ve done your bit, now bugger off”.

               So, I dutifully ‘buggered off’ back to the office, thankful that I had polished
               my boots and ironed my uniform that day.
               .       .      .      .      .      .       .      .      .      .      .       .      .

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