Page 3 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 3

Foreword and Acknowledgements

          Foreword and


          This document, Auditing Forests: Guidance for Supreme Audit   We would like to thank all the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)
          Institutions,  is  a  resource  for  audit  practitioners.  It  provides   that  provided  case  studies  on  forest  audits.  We  would  also
          guidance focused on the forestry sector and covers a range of   like  to  thank  the  INTOSAI  Working  Group  on  Environmental
          management and public policy tools used by the government.   Auditing and its Steering Committee members who provided
          It describes                                         comments  at  different  stages  of  the  evolution  of  this  paper.
                                                               Without them, this paper would not have been possible.
          •   what forests are, why they are important, what the threats
             to forests are, and what action governments are taking,
          •   a suggested process for choosing and designing    Preparing  this  paper  was  a  collaborative  effort  between  the   3
             forest  audits, and                               SAIs. We would like to thank our colleagues who helped us in
                                                               preparing  this  guidance.  Special  appreciation  is  extended  to
          •   practical guidance, information, and case studies
             related to audits on forests.                     the SAIs of the Bahamas, Bhutan, Brazil, Cameroon, Estonia,
                                                               Ethiopia,  Kenya,  Lesotho,  Malaysia,  Mexico,  South  Africa,
                                                               Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Also, we would like to thank the SAIs
                                                               of  Canada  and  New  Zealand  for  their  inputs,  reviews,  and
          This paper was led by the Supreme Audit Office of Indonesia.   comments.
          Many thanks go to individuals who contributed to this paper.

                                                               Hopefully you will find this document useful!

          Mihkel Oviir                                         Hadi Poernomo

          Auditor General of Estonia                           Chairman of the Audit Board of Indonesia
          Chair of INTOSAI WGEA
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