Page 3 - Flipbook SMP An Najiyah
P. 3


                      Praise  be  to  Allah  who  has  given  us  mercy  and  guidance  so
                      we can complete this material book entitled "Wonderful Days
                      with English"

                      Salawat  and  salam  to  our  prophet  Muhammad  SAW,  who  has
                      brought  us  to  the  light  and  blessing  way,  Islam  as  our
                      beautiful religion

                      This  book  is  designed  for  completing  the  project  of
                      Instructional  Material  and  Media  Development.  Furthermore,
                      the main purpose of presenting this book is for our dedication
                      to service and contribute in the education field as we are the
                      teacher to be, insyaa Allah.

                      This book contains some explanations about English material
                      that  has  been  adapted  from  the  national  curriculum,
                      Kurikulum Merdeka.

                      There  must  be  a  challenge  in  the  process  of  arranging  this
                      book  since  this  is  our  first  time  to  involve  in  designing  the
                      learning material. But, alhamdulillah all of these things could
                      pass with good teamwork and support, and now, we officially
                      launched this book. We hope all sides who use it will get the
                      benefit and help their journey in learning English.

                      Everything  is  not  perfect,  but  everything  can  be  better,
                      therefore constructive suggestions and corrections are kindly
                      opened for the development of this book.

                      May  Allah  make  this  product  a  source  of  kindness  and
                      positive impact. Aamiin

                                                                       Surabaya, 10 Juli 2023
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