Page 20 - AISC 2024
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                                                        AISC 2024 | 1-5 SEPTEMBER 2024 | EASTIN HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR

                             SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

                       The ADNI International Students' Conference presents an excellent opportunity
               for  sponsors  to  align  themselves  with  a  prestigious  educational  event  that  brings
               together students from diverse backgrounds to foster global unity and collaboration.

               By  sponsoring  this  conference,  organizations  can  gain  significant  visibility  and
               demonstrate  their  commitment  to  educational  excellence  and  community

                                         SPONSORSHIP LEVELS & BENEFITS

                           PLATINUM SPONSOR                                    GOLD SPONSOR
                            (RM10,000 Above)                                 (RM5,000-RM9,999)

                  ➢  Prominent Logo Placement                       ➢  Logo Placement
                  ➢  Speaking Opportunity                           ➢  Speaking Opportunity
                  ➢  Exclusive Booth Space                          ➢  Booth Space
                  ➢  Full Page advertisement                        ➢  Half Page advertisement
                  ➢  Recognition in Media Releases                  ➢  Recognition in Media Releases
                  ➢  Complimentary Tickets (10 tickets)             ➢  Complimentary Tickets (5 Tickets)
                  ➢  Social Media Promotion                         ➢  Social Media Promotion

                           SILVER SPONSOR
                          (RM2,500-RM4,999)                                     BRONZE SPONSOR

                  ➢  Logo Placement
                  ➢  Booth Space
                  ➢  Quarter Page advertisement                      ➢  Booth Space
                 ➢  Recognition in Media Releases                    ➢  Acknowledgement in Program
                                                                     ➢  Complimentary Tickets (2 tickets)
                 ➢  Complimentary Tickets (3 Tickets)
                                                                     ➢  Social Media Promotion
                  ➢  Social Media Promotion

                                                   SUPPORTING SPONSOR

                                           ➢  Acknowledgement in Program
                                           ➢  Complimentary Ticket (1 ticket)
                                           ➢  Social Media Promotion
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