Page 6 - Catalog Pages Vol_23_Reps (1)_Flat
P. 6

R E C E N T   R E L E A S E S

                                      C O R K   P O P S

                              CLEAR                   O

                      Cork Pops ClearOsphere is ideal for sipping...

                       ...Our slow-melting ice gives you more time

                                   to enjoy a refreshing cocktail.

          #78123                               CLEAROSPHERE
          Cost Each.................................15.00
          Case Pack .......................................6
          Total Case Cost.........................90.00

          •Clear ice sphere 2 pc PBA free silicone mold
          •Unique filling system and mold holder to ensure clear,  bubble free ice
          •Stands upright in freezer to increase consistency of shape

                        To order call 800-322-6757 or visit us at or
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