Page 52 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 52

MAR By-Laws and Policies and Procedures in Discussion
I. By-laws vs Policies and Procedures
The P & P shall control in all cases except when they conflict with the associations By-laws, in which case the By-laws shall govern. (P&P, page 2: Policies and Procedures of the Association)
IV. Duty of CEO
To maintain effective relationships with other organizations in accordance with the furtherance of the
association policies and objectives, including, but not limited to the MREC... (By-laws, #30, page 14) V. Duty of BOD
The BOD shall approve the annual program/budget and LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE... (By-laws, Article VI, Board of Directors, page 19, B)
VI. Schedule Committee Meetings
. (By-laws, Section 6, Other Group Meetings, page 28) At least 10 day notice for in person meetings
At least 5 days for telephonic conference call or web conference
(My Note: I’d consider this legislative bill an emergency; GAD and LAT stated there was urgency)
Minimum Notice of Meetings:
10 business days for in person
5 business days for telephone conference call or electronic means, EXCEPT BY CONSENT OF PRESIDENT (By-laws, Section 7, page 31, Conduct of Business, C )
VII. Oath of State Officer
That you will uphold and support the MREC in the enforcement of the license law (P&P, 2.11, page 13) VIII. Association Purpose
which affect the real estate business. (P&P, #4, page 1) Legislative/Regulatory Advocacy Guidelines as set forth in Addendum 1 (P& P, page 67):
       Committees...shall meet upon call...of chairman or UPON REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT, and EXCEPT IN
   cooperate with governmental agencies to encourage strict compliance with all lawful rules and
 Real Estate Regulations:
.... (P&P, 1.3, page 4)
Leg/Reg Policy
 Guidelines represent statements of association position intended to serve as overall guidelines for
 determination of the association’s approved legislative priorities

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