P. 4

                   1.  Short Description

                          . In this teaching material will explain the parts of the body and the function of parts of

                       the body. In particular it will explain about the outside of the human body such as head, hair,
                       ears, eyes, hands, feet, etc. In addition, each part of the body has its own function, but they

                       can work together to maintain the continuity of the body is functions as a whole.

                   2.  Relevance
                          This  teaching material  contains material  about  body parts and functions  of body parts.

                       After studying this e-book, students are expected to be able to recognize the parts of the body

                       and their functions. In addition, students can write simple sentences related to body parts and
                       can reflects the knowledge gained from the learning process in daily life.

                   3.  Study Guidance

                          The purpose of learning teaching materials is for students to know the parts of the body
                       and the functions of them. In addition, students can write simple sentences related to body

                       parts and can reflects the knowledge gained from the learning process in daily life. Here are

                       study guides for studying this e-book:
                          1)  Understand each component of teaching materials.

                          2)  Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting it.

                          3)  Reading various other learning resources that are relevant to the material.
                          4)  Discuss reading results in discussion forums with other students and instructors.

                          5)  Do each practice and the formative test.
                          6)  Reflects the knowledge gained from the learning process in daily life.

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