Page 3 - February 2022 SARIZONA
P. 3

 Incoming President Hoover’s Message to all Compatriots
I am honored, humbled and privileged to be elected and serve as your Arizona Society State President. First and foremost, I want to thank Bill Baran for his enduring selfless service and strong principled leadership over the past year. 2021 was not an easy
year as our national battle against the pandemic continued. Migrating government regulations and maintaining the safety of our constituency has limited our ability to help the community and has made our operations difficult. That said, and I believe we can all agree, Arizona Sons of the American Revolution could not have done better than having Bill at the helm. Thank you Bill, I hope to live up to your example and seek your wisdom and guidance as 2022 progresses.
As we enter 2022, is my intent to improve operations and get our beleaguered state staff help. While I anticipate the pandemic to further limit and frustrate our ability to contribute in our communities, I hope we can overcome many of these obstacles and continue our programs in a safe manner while still protecting our membership and the communities we serve. Too long, the few have done so much for the many and I recognize the foundations and integrity of the organization often lies, almost entirely, in the contribution of those few. This organization contributes so much to Arizona and the United States and I fear overworked staff may impact our sustainability. Further, I intend to maintain the veracity of Arizona Society’s programs as much as we are allowed and maintain our society’s congruence with our core values and national initiatives.
Bob Hoover,
Arizona SAR President Elect 2022-2023
Redefined State Officer
Positions will be acted on
during the Annual Meeting
A proposal to redefine the duties of the State Secretary and Assistant Secretary is being proposed at the annual meeting. The proposed changes are due to the heavy workload associated with the requirements of the State Secretary position.
The proposed changes will keep all the aspects of the current position related to maintaining the roster; receiving new applications from the Registrar; processing approved applications to new members; managing the process of reinstatement of a member; handling transfers; processing approved supplementals; processing death reports; processing member information changes; managing the
reconciliation process
at year end; and
coordinating with
Chapter Secretaries to
assist them in
collecting dues at the
end of the year. This
position would be
called the Membership
The newly defined Assistant Secretary position (which has been vacant for some time) would be called the Corresponding Secretary and this position would assist the State Membership Secretary in planning and contracting the meeting places for the Annual and State BOM meetings. He would handle all aspects of registration and have Constant Contact responsibilities. He would also provide officer and committee member reports for each meeting; assist the Society President in planning Society meetings; maintain meeting minutes; assist the Society president and vice president as needed; assist chapter secretaries with various training and maintenance aspects and assist other Society officers as needed.
These two positions changes will be presented to the BOM for approval at the annual meeting of the Society.per the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws.

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