Page 14 - February 2021 SARIZONA
P. 14

   State C.A.R. President’s Post -Evan Kobley
With school starting up in August there was a large variety of ways students were taught. Due to COVID, some people were at home, some
were at school, and some had a form of hybrid. During the State Fall Meeting August 8th we covered additional items for C.A.R. members
to become involved with. Creating thank you cards for frontline heroes, submitting photos for the Heroes video, and donating a toy to create a piece of art in support of the State Project. In September the C.A.R. did a lot! There were 216 cards and 96 candy grams that were created during the members’ breakout session and they were delivered to Coronado Society who took them to the Desert Vista Medical Center, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office, and Copper Queen Community Hospital in Bisbee.
I kicked off my virtual state tour by meeting with 3 chapters and 1 society. The Coronado society meeting included an excursion to Tombstone, Arizona to see the largest rose bush in the world! September also saw the kickoff of the virtual Regional Meetings tour.
I attended several meetings including Rocky on Oct 3rd. We created a fleece blanket with Lauren Kobley, Rocky Regional VP. We also learned how to make homemade ice cream thanks to the American Heritage Committee.
(Reprinted from the C.A.R. Copper Star Fall 2020 newsletter.)
Above: Candy gram cards said “Take a breath” and had a life saver attached to it. C.A.R. members assembled the cards during the members’ only part of the Fall Meeting. Second Photo: Employees at the Emergency Room at Canyon Vista Hospital in Sierra Vista that received some of the candy grams.
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