Page 15 - February 2021 SARIZONA
P. 15
Friends of the Library
Support the National SAR Library
By Arizona SAR Friends of the Library Chairman Ed Karr
The Friends of the SAR Library (FOL) was organized to assist the SAR Library in implementing its collection development objectives and to provide for the purchase of non-budgeted items such as equipment, supplies, and new technology. The collection objectives include those books, manuscripts, microforms, and online services as needed to enhance and expand the current collection.
Consider a gift to the Friends of the Library to help strengthen the vitality of our collection.
A sub-committee of the SAR National Library and Archives Committee, the Friends consists of the Librarian General, National Library and Archives Committee Chairman, Chairman of the Friends of the SAR Library, the SAR Librarian, and State-level FOL Chairmen. Membership is also open to all SAR members, state-level societies, chapters, and the general public. The state-level Society Chairman of the FOL may coordinate the donation of books, microfilms, etc., directly to the SAR Library and promote the Library within his society so that all SAR members are familiar with it and its programs.
Membership dues of the Friends of the SAR Library are distributed as follows:
—Library Endowment Fund (60%) – The permanent fund for the sole use of the Library and no other purpose.
—Library Special Purpose Operating Fund (40%) – This fund helps the Library with daily operating expenses.
—In addition to donations of family genealogies, Revolutionary War histories, county and state histories, and other books and items of genealogical content, the SAR Library’s growth depends upon cash gifts
The additional recognition programs of the Library include:
—Benjamin Franklin Subscriber for gifts of $300 or more from an individual, SAR chapter, state-level society, or non-SAR organization.
—Library Endowment Fund Contributor for gifts of $500 or more.
—Friends of the Library Life Membership for one- time gifts of $1,000 or more.
—Robert Morris Benefactor for a one-time contribution of $2,000 or more. These monetary gifts are also invested by the SAR. Benjamin Franklin Subscribers and Robert Morris Benefactors monies are deposited in the Library Special Purpose Operating Fund; Endowment Fund Contributor monies are deposited in the Library Endowment Fund.
Donors should indicate to which programs they wish their donations be deposited. Non- designated gifts are deposited into the Library Special Purpose Operating Fund.
For more information on any of the above FOL and donation details, please contact Arizona Friends of the Library Chairman Ed Karr.
Join the Friends of the Library! Complete and mail in the application found at the link above or pay online when you visit the SAR Foundation’s site and choose “Friends of the Library” from the drop-down menu.