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Magnacrete is the first to offer a One Year Magnacrete’s products have been exported
Warranty on our manufactured products, previously to Europe and Africa to
when installed by Magnacrete That’s quite a international clients, thus meeting the
commitment considering that there are tens of requisite international standards for quality.
millions of our products on the ground. You can For example, Magnacrete uses imported
sleep well at night knowing that Magnacrete pigments, SRC cement and RO plant water.
is behind you 100%.
From the smallest residential project to the
largest construction project in Pakistan,
Magnacrete can handle it all. Magnacrete
supplied over 3.7 million kerbstones
(3383.28 kilometres) and 25 million sq.ft of
pavers to Bahria Town, Karachi, during a short Thru-mix vs. Face-mix
span of 3 years while still catering to other
customers at the same time.
At Magnacrete, we have the technology to manufacture both thru-mix pavers and face-mix
13 Which is better?
The short answer is Face-mix. Prior to Face-mix technology, pavers were a blend of aggregate,
pigment color, and concrete pressed together. When the thru-mix wear with age, the coloring
Magnacrete offers free design services to our fades and the coarse aggregates in the pavers (which are used to increase the strength of the
customers. Customers will be charged paver) starts to show through the top of paver, which can ruin the look of the paver.
Rs. 25000 advance, which will be credited
back to them at the time of purchase. Face-mix technology adds concentrated color and fine wear-resistant aggregates on the top
of the paver, in addition to the coarse aggregates at the base of the paver. So not only is the
paver structurally strong, but the color and finish of the paver lasts for generations.
The Face-mix process eliminates the risk of the coarse (and ugly) aggregate from appearing
11 LOGISTICS through the top of the paver.
Given that the cost of pavers on any given hardscape job is on average 5%, always insist on
Magnacrete manages its own fleet of Conclusion
specialized delivery trucks for the convenience products with
of its customers. This gives Magnacrete more Face-mix technology. Better yet, insist on pavers that deliver Face-mix technology and other
control in prioritizing customer needs, arrange paver technologies like Reala or Ultima.
deliveries without pallets, and circumvent
transport strikes. Pure color pigments and fine
Fine aggregates and dense aggregates are blended on the surface,
providing vibrant, rich and long-lasting color.
concrete mix provide a
smooth, refined surface.
Base concrete mix features larg aggregates
for high-compressiv strength.
Face-mix is • High-density units resist cracking and damage
integrally bonded to the base, from freeze-thaw cycles.
offering exceptional durability
and aesthetic design. • Pavers and slabs are manufactured to meet
industry standards for strength and absorption.
• County Materials pavers and slabs are backed
by our custom warranty.
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