Page 47 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 47


                 In short, it is evident that the three ideologies hostile to the Islamic
            world all stem from the Darwinist, atheist and materialist culture that
            took over the Western world in the nineteenth century.
                 This demonstrates once again the importance of the intellectual
            struggle that needs to be waged against atheism, which is not just a
            force that tries to ruin people's lives in the hereafter by destroying their
            religious beliefs. Rather it also, at the same time, aims to ruin the world,
            turning it into a wasteland of disorder and war, and it views Muslims
            as its most important target.
                 That is why waging an intellectual struggle for the good is both a
            service to true belief and also a great "cultural struggle" against the "cor-
            ruption" pervading the earth. The existence of large numbers of
            Muslims who are still being crushed by atheist systems all over the
            world reminds us how important this intellectual struggle really is.
            Every ideological victory over atheism (and over philosophies, ideolo-
            gies and so-called scientific theories such as Darwinism that lie at its
            foundations) is also a moral victory which helps oppressed Muslims all
            over the world.
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