Page 57 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 57
have no intention to put down
or interfere in any country. It
will not act with a mentality of
„as long as we are rich and enjoy
well-being, nobody else is of any
interest to us." On the contrary,
in the same way that it guaran-
tees the security, comfort and
peace of every Muslim, so it will
protect and watch over the Armenians, the Russians, the Georgians and
all other communities.
The Great Pain Suffered by the Defenseless
Chechen People
It has by now become apparent in many instances that Russia's
policies favoring violence over peace have always rebounded against it.
However, it needs to be made clear that the Russian administration is
not in favor of violence as a single block. It would be wrong to hold the
whole Russian administration and people responsible for the repressive
policies adopted in Chechnya in the 1990s. That policy of repression
and violence is the work of certain circles that have still not abandoned
the communist mindset, that stil long for the days of the Politburo and
that espouse a superstitious system that literally regards human beings
as animals. Under the influence of these circles Russia worked up a se-
cret plan in Chechnya, especially at the start of the 1990s. There were