Page 121 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 121

Sex Hormones

            the pelvis bones become wider be-
            cause during pregnancy, it will make
            the needed room for the baby in the
            mother's womb. 36
                 How do these cells that pro-
            duce the female hormones know
            that the woman may later get preg-
            nant? If they had this knowledge,
            how will they tell the cells which
            form the pelvis bone how much
            they must multiply to widen the
            proper amount? How do they
            know the right size for the pelvis
            bone?                                   Sex hormones give shape to the
                 Moreover, in women, the accu-      male and female bodies with the
                                                    expertise of a sculptor.
            mulation of fat in the hips and thighs
            is again physically the result of the
            influence of estrogen. In a male child, it is not fat that increases in the
            developmental stage, but the striated muscle mass. In women, the in-
            crease in the amount of fat is specially adjusted to store the energy that
            will be needed for the time of pregnancy and milk production.  37
                 The sex hormones cause the development of a high voice in women
            and low voice in men. How do the hormone molecules know the differ-
            ence between a male and a female voice? How is it that they can decide
            that a male voice has to be low and a female voice high? And how do hor-
            mones, with the same formula, produce a high voice in women and a low
            voice in men?
                 It is a demonstration of great wisdom that female hormones are not
            secreted until a particular age. Female hormones come into play when
            the female body is mentally and physically mature; that is, when the time
            comes when it can carry a baby, and it has the intelligence and maturity
            to bring it up. This arrangement is certainly another proof that human
            beings have been created according to a definite plan.

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