Page 47 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 47
What Lies Do People Deceive Themselves with? 45
worldly ambitions puts what he sees down to chance and overlooks
the truth. If you show such a person a simple picture and ask, "Did this
draw itself by chance?" he will reply, "Of course not, there must be an
artist who drew it." But this same person avoids thinking about the ex-
traordinary art that surrounds him in nature and why it was created.
In the same way, people avoid considering that the life of the
world is temporary and that their real life is the eternal life which be-
gins with their deaths. They see many people die every day but their
own deaths do not cross their minds. They make worldly plans as
though they will never die and they make no preparations for the
These people are harming themselves, because it is very easy to
think about the purpose of human creation, about the art of Allah that
is apparent throughout the universe, about death, the Hereafter and
the Day of Judgment. Contrary to what people believe, it is neither
confusing nor difficult to think about any of these things. Nor is there
any need to carry out lengthy research, receive a comprehensive edu-
cation or acquire a wide variety of knowledge.
For example, every person with a conscience is drawn towards
thinking about Allah's wonderful creation just by virtue of the life sus-
taining air we breathe every day, the perfect wing structure which en-
ables the birds to fly and the colorful world we see around us. In the
same way, it is impossible for a person not to think that one day he will
die when he lives in a world where news of death is an everyday oc-
currence. If a person does not close his ears to the voice of his con-
science, does not devote himself to worthless tasks and does not de-
ceive himself with materialistic logic, these deeper reflections will in-
evitably take root in his mind.
It is necessary, however, for a person to demonstrate willpower in