Page 63 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 63
What Lies Do People Deceive Themselves with? 61
case, do not deceive yourself and distance yourself from the faith by
making the excuse of going along with the majority. Never abandon
what you know from the Qur'an to be right, and live by what is right
even if you do so alone. Do not forget that the determination you show
in gaining Allah's approval will be the means for you to live eternally
in the shelter of His great mercy.
Those who say: "I am following scientific progress"
Another of the factors which drive people to neglect their religion
is the existence of scientists who fall into the error of rejecting Allah
and the Day of Judgment.
The age in which we live is one in which science has made major
advances and in which, from the scientific point of view, we are en-
countering things which have never previously been experienced in
history. With the opportunities provided by science and technology,
we are observing the order and design in the universe, realizing the
flawlessness of the systems created by Allah, getting to know more
closely a large number of truths about the way living creatures were
created and discovering the miracles of the Qur'an one by one.
However, there are also people who use science for their own
worldly benefit and try to use it to support their opposition to religion.
These people present themselves as scientists but they use science not
to research and discover the facts but to bolster their own ideologies.
They ignore the flawless creation in the universe and living things and
their miraculous characteristics, and put forward the false claim that
everything came into existence by itself and by chance. Their purpose
is to reject the existence of Allah and make their communities reject it
too. By this means they want to create communities made up of sepa-
rate individuals in which nobody feels responsibility for anybody else