Page 25 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 25
lievers. Rather, this is a matter related to a life that is eternal,
being either in Hell or in Paradise. Aware of this fact, believ-
ers, who fear of Allah and are certain of the Hereafter, care-
fully avoid all behavior and language that may put into
jeopardy this eternal destination, and abide immediately by
every cautionary advice and warning they receive. This at-
tribute, which is a fundamental trait of Muslims, is referred
to in the Qur'an as follows:
[Believers are] those who, when they are reminded of
the Signs of their Lord, do not turn their backs, deaf
and blind to them. (Surat al-Furqan, 73)
Remaining arrogant, despite all admonitions and re-
minders, and rejecting them, is a response peculiar to disbe-
lievers. Believers, on the other hand, as the verse above
maintains, pay careful attention to every reminder guided by
the light of Allah's verses, and obey them. Aware that every
admonition is intended to keep them from the infinite pun-
ishment of Hell, the faithful respond submissively. The an-
swers, expressing this submission, are recounted in the
Qur'an as follows:
[Believers say,] "Our Lord, we heard a caller calling us
to faith: 'Believe in your Lord!' and we believed. Our
Lord, forgive us our wrong actions, erase our bad ac-
tions from us and take us back to You with those who
are truly good." (Surah Al `Imran, 193)
As the above verse maintains, those who comply with the
good word, without becoming arrogant, are sincere and con-
scientious believers. According to the verse, "And remind
them, for truly the believers benefit from being reminded."
(Surat adh-Dhariyat, 55), Allah informs us of this fact.
Complying with the Good Word 23