Page 65 - What the Qur'an Says about Liars and Their Methods
P. 65
The Losses of Liars
Imam Rabbani explains the situation in which liars find
themselves, as follows:
"In Surat al-Isra' 17:84, we are told that each man acts ac-
cording to his nature. That is, a person's deeds and words are
the mirror of himself. It is better not to return either a good or
a bad answer to the debased. There is no end to their lying.
Their words, none of which are compatible with each other,
suffice to make them contemptible..." 11
Their consciences are always uneasy: Lying causes great
discomfort to one's conscience, and so liars are always wor-
ried. Indulging in what Allah has forbidden causes them to
live in a permanent state of internal discomfort.
The thoughtlessness of liars is revealed in their inability to
foresee the potential results of their lying:
1. By lying, they fail the test that Allah sent them.
2. They lag behind in good tasks which will probably earn
them a reward.
3. They eventually bring harm to whatever they pursue,
such as rank, position, and superiority.
4. Most importantly, they endanger their eternal life in the
If they tell the truth, regardless of the possible negative
consequences, they show their lack of desire to achieve a par-
ticular position or superiority. Indeed, admitting their mistake
and confessing their impotence will attract the compassion
and trust of others.
In addition, by listening to their conscience because of
their fear and awe of Allah, they will defeat Satan and rescue
themselves from the troubled and confused conscience that
comes from lying.