Page 79 - What the Qur'an Says about Liars and Their Methods
P. 79
The Qur'an Describes Liars
back. Even though they believed that Yusuf (as) was dead,
their continued hatred for him caused them to lie about him.
Allah describes this episode in the Qur'an:
They said: "If he [Benjamin] steals now, his brother
[Yusuf] stole before." But Yusuf kept it to himself and
still did not disclose it to them, saying: "The plight
that you are in is worse than that. Allah knows best
the matter you describe." (Surah Yusuf, 12:77)
Slandering believing women
The Qur'an also discusses slander directed against believ-
ing women, and informs the believers of how they should be-
have when confronted with such abuse. For example:
There is a group of you who propagated the lie. Do
not suppose it to be bad for you; rather, it is good for
you. Every one of them will incur the evil he has
earned, and the one who took it on himself to amplify
it will receive a terrible punishment. (Surat an-Nur,
Those who [falsely] accuse chaste, unaware and be-
lieving women are cursed both in this world the
Hereafter, and they will have a terrible punishment
on the Day when their tongues, hands, and feet will
testify against them about what they were doing. On
that Day, Allah will pay them in full what is due to
them, and they will know that Allah is the Clear Truth.
(Surat an-Nur, 24:23-25)
Allah tells the believers that they should not condone slan-
der; rather, they should protest it by identifying it for what it is.
Many people love to listen to and pass on sensational news, even
when they know it is gossip and lies. Allah informs us of such