Page 11 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 11
Introduction 9
forever. To those faithful servants who pass the test of this
earthly life, Allah has promised an unprecedented land. The
limited time one spends in this world, on the other hand, is an
opportunity to attain these beauties.
So what keeps people from being overcome with joy at
the good news of Paradise? What stops them from longing for
it, from expending every effort to attain it? Why do people,
knowing that they will receive these blessings as a divine re-
ward, not prepare for Paradise? Surely the most important
reason is that some people do not have an assured faith that it
exists; others are not convinced. There may be other reasons
why people do not believe in or have doubts about it. But the
basic thing that we must consider is that this doubt sometimes
arises from a lack of knowledge.
The only remedy for this lack of knowledge is the Qur'an.
In the Qur'an, Allah describes a wonderful life of perfect
and endless beauty in Paradise. Someone who does not know
this beauty's extent or how the Qur'an describes it may have
difficulty envisioning Paradise and the kind of life there.
This book tells people about Paradise, which Allah offers
to them, describes its great blessings, and proclaims its beau-
ties to everyone. It informs people that Paradise is one of two
ways of life prepared for them in the afterworld, and that
every good thing will be theirs in Paradise to a degree that
surpasses our present ability to imagine. It also shows that
Paradise, is a place where all blessings have been created per-
fectly and where people will be offered everything their souls