Page 21 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 21
This Life Is Not Our Real Life 19
contains no beautiful things. On the contrary, Allah filled the
world with beautiful things to remind us of Paradise. But
mixed in with these beautiful things are the imperfection and
ugliness of Hell.
The qualities of Paradise and Hell are mixed together
here, for this world is really a place of testing. Thus believers
can get an idea of those two places and, instead of getting
caught up in this world's short and transitory life, can direct
themselves toward the real, perfect, and endless life of the
hereafter. As a result, the Qur'an describes the afterlife as
each person's true and eternal land.
But despite this truth, many people think they can make a
perfect life in this world. They view this life's imperfections
and deficiencies (e.g., getting sick, becoming tired, and suffer-
ing from pain and worry) as something totally natural.
However, Allah has created all these imperfections with many
hidden meanings, and people have to think seriously about
these meanings and learn the appropriate lessons.
It could have been possible would never get sick or feel
so tired that they would need to rest or sleep. They could
have had so much stamina and energy that they would not feel
fatigued. If Allah had willed, He could have created us without
such flaws and deficiencies. But He created us with them so
that we might understand that we are helpless and weak.
Each individual must come face to face with his or her help-
lessness and weakness at every moment of life. His body, upon
which he lays so much value, constantly reminds him of his sit-