Page 31 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 31
The State Of The People Of Paradise In This World 29
Allah as you used to remember your forefathers –
or even more. Some people say: "Our Lord, give
us good in this world." They will have no share in
the hereafter. Others say: "Our Lord, give us good
in this world and good in the hereafter, and safe-
guard us from the punishment of the Fire." They
will have a good share from what they have
earned. Allah is swift at reckoning. (Surat al-
Baqara, 200-202)
In the Qur'an, those faithful servants of Allah who sin-
cerely believe in Him are said to be made heirs of this world.
Surely His promise is true and will come to pass. One verse
Allah has promised those of you who believe and
do right actions that He will make them succes-
sors in the land, as He made those before them
successors; (that He) will firmly establish for them
their religion (Islam), which He is pleased to give
them; and, in place of their fear, security. "They
worship Me, not associating anything with Me." As
for those who do not believe after that, such peo-
ple are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 55)