Page 60 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 60
But as for those who have faith and do right actions, We
will admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing under
them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. In
them, they will have spouses of perfect purity...
(Surat an-Nisa', 57)
Paradise is a magnificent place of eternal life that Allah has
prepared as a reward for His faithful servants. As we saw ear-
lier, the Qur'an describes Paradise by telling of the houses
people will live in, the food and drink they will enjoy, the
clothes they will wear, and of all the beautiful things to be
found there. In Paradise, just as in this world, life continues to
be lived. Of course that life is far too wonderful to be com-
pared to this life, but there are some general similarities. For
this reason, when believers pass from this earthly life to the af-
terworld, they encounter no shock or strangeness and thus
will adapt easily.