Page 72 - Paradise: The Believers' Real Home
P. 72

70                          PARADISE

            use the blessing and thank Allah for it feel that they have re-
            ceived Allah's gift; that the Lord loves, protects, and looks

            after them; and gives them a taste of His mercy. They take real
            joy from this.
                A blessing is not an end; rather, it is a means to an end. As
            its purpose is to encourage men and women to offer greater
            thanksgiving to Allah, all of Paradise's blessings have only one
            goal: To lead believers to offer eternal thanksgiving to Allah.
            This is what gives them their value. In short, the blessings of
            Paradise are no more than a means whereby believers can ap-
            proach Allah and attain the indescribable joy of winning His
            eternal friendship, love, and approval. This is why Allah's good
            pleasure is the greatest blessing of Paradise and far above all
            other material pleasures.
               Let us consider one of Paradise's most striking blessings,
            one that is frequently mentioned in the Qur'an: beautiful
            women, who represent the height of the aesthetic idea. Just to
            be with them is a great blessing. The Qur'an describes the
            beauty of their faces, their skin, and even their bosoms. With
            these magnificent women, one of Allah's greatest material
            blessings – sexuality – can be experienced eternally in the
            most wonderful way. In the same manner, unmarried women
            will be married to young palace servants. This also is a free gift

            to them from Allah.
               However, what makes these women so valuable is not
            merely their beauty, but the fact that they are known to be a
            gift from Allah. Indeed, the greatest pleasure that can be had is
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