Page 51 - The Pains of the False World
P. 51
societies in which such elements as faith, fear of Allah and
p roper morality are ignored, the criteria by which superiority
is measured are rather diff e rent. These people imagine that
superiority lies with the most prominent members of society
and can be acquired with the acquisition of goods and pro-
p e r t y, recognition or fame. Since this perspective is generally
s h a red by most members of such a society, those without go-
ods and property are generally thought of as "inferior" to tho-
se who are wealthy and enjoy wide circles of acquaintance.
The manner in which people treat those around them in
such societies, the decisions they take, the way they evaluate
events, and the conclusions they draw from them are all di-
rectly related to the perspective they hold. For that reason, it
is impossible to speak of a true idea of justice among people
who act in the light of that conception.
Such a thing is out of the question for those who have fa-
ith. Believers always act by taking the moral values revealed
by Allah in the Qur'an as their yardstick. They there f o re al-
ways attach the greatest weight to justice and truth. They do
not judge people according to worldly values but accord i n g
to whether they have the requisite fear of Allah and to their
moral values. They favor not the powerful and those with
material means but always what is right and those in the
right. They make no concessions on justice, even if this works
against them and those closest to them. They decide not ac-
c o rding to earthly values but in the manner ordained by
Allah, Who has revealed the yardstick regarding justice in the
Qur'an thus: