Page 60 - The Pains of the False World
P. 60


                  In the Qur'an, Allah has revealed the manner of life that
              people should lead and the moral values which they should
              adopt. As revealed in the verse, "I only created jinn and man
              to worship Me." (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 56), someone who un-
              derstands that the purpose behind creation is to serve A l l a h
              attains the best possible path, both in this world and the next,
              by taking the Qur'an as a guide. Such people use all the me-
              ans at their disposal in the life of this world in order to please

              Allah and attain His true path. As a consequence, they also
              acquire the moral values approved of by Allah and live a life
              that will be pleasing to Him. Allah has praised these moral
              values of believers in the Qur'an in the words:
                  Who could say anything better than someone who sum -
                  mons to Allah and acts rightly and says, "I am one of the
                  Muslims"? (Surah Fussilat, 33)
                  On account of these superior moral values, believers en-
              joy very pleasant lives: the exact opposite of the troubled li-

              ves led by unbelievers. They take great pleasure in all they do
              and in every blessing available to them. They are content
              with whatever event Allah places in their path. As well as li-
              ving so happily in the life of this world, they are also a bles-
              sing to other people with their pleasant and assured behavior.
              They are exceedingly sensitive, helpful and affectionate to ot-
              her people. They help their parents, orphans, the poor, stran-
              ded travelers and anyone in need solely because they seek
              Allah's approval. This feature of believers is revealed in these
              terms in the Qur'an:
                  They will ask you what they should give away. Say:

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