Page 18 - Pleasant Words from the Gospe
P. 18

Pleasant Words from the Gospel

                       They Only Abide by Religion Superficially and
                       Do Not Truly Believe  .....................................................401

                       They Try to Portray Religion as Difficult......................402
                       They Add Things to Religion and Multiply
                       Lawful and Unlawful Things to Appear

                       Full of Devotion ...............................................................402
                       They are Secretly Irreligious ..........................................404

                       Although They Possess Knowledge, They
                       Do Not Understand Faith  ..............................................404

                       They Say What is Not in Their Hearts .........................405

                       They Worship for Show ..................................................405

                       They Worry about Other People's Approval,
                       Instead of God's ...............................................................407

                       They Do Not Do What They Tell Others to Do  ........407
                       Their External Appearances are Deceptive  ................407

                       They Plot against Believers.............................................409

                       They Join Believers to Send Reports to Deniers .........409

                       They Seek to Have Believers Imprisoned
                       with False Evidence..........................................................410

                       They Seek to Kill or Exile Believers...............................410
                       They Collaborate against and Betray Believers ...........411

                       They are Full of Hatred toward Believers ....................412

                       They Deliberately Watch out and
                       Seek Weaknesses among Muslims ................................413

                       They Invent Excuses to Avoid Striving
                       on God's Path ...................................................................413

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