Page 12 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 12
But if the believers happen to overlook Allah and
fail to ponder deeply on Him and on His Creation,
they may start to be influenced by immoral beliefs
particularly at times of difficulty. Allah mentions this
as a potential risk in the verse of Surat Aal-e-Imran,
3:154, about the believers who gave up during the
war, and “who were anxious on their own account,
thought wrongly of Allah, the thought of ignorance.”
A believer would never like to make such a
mistake, therefore he should free his heart from
everything that appertains to the beliefs of the
ignorant, and accept this real faith with all his heart
in the way the Qur’an describes.
2 Fearing Allah as much as One Can
To fear Allah is the beginning of all. The more one
fears Allah, the more superior does one become in the
presence of Allah. The Qur’an gives the examples of
the prophets, with whom the believers can compare
themselves so that they may understand that they
really can increase their fear of Allah.
Allah wants people to fear Him to the greatest
possible extent. Various ways of showing reverence
for the Almighty can be found, for example; spending