Page 61 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 61

(Surat al-Baqara, 2:261)
             On the contrary, the situation of the one who does
          not spend in the way of Allah is that of one “who
          piles up wealth and keeps on counting it, thinking
          that his wealth would make him last for ever. By no
          means! He will be sure to be thrown into the crushing
          Fire. And what will make you know what the
          crushing Fire is? It is the Fire of Allah kindled (to a
          blaze).” (Surat al-Humaza, 104:2-6)

             21 Being Grateful to Allah

             Allah has created everything with a purpose; just
          like His blessings. Each one of these blessings—our
          life, faith, sustenance, health, eyes, and ears—is an
          endowment for mankind to be grateful to Allah.
             Once we leave heedlessness and ignorance
          behind, and start to think and see with reasoning, we
          shall surely realise that everything around us is
          indeed a favour granted by our Creator Allah. All the
          food that we eat, the air that we breath, all the
          beauties around us, in particulars, our eyes that let us
          see all these things — everything is a blessing of
          Allah. These are so numerous that the Qur’an says:
          “If you would count up the favours of Allah, never

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