Page 68 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 68

anyone to claim that it is hard to practise religion and
          to put this forward as a reason for defaulting. He can
          deceive no one with such an explanation but himself.

             24 No Love for the Unbelievers

             In order to live by the morals of the Qur’an, one
          should completely renounce the culture and moral
          values of the profane society. One of the first things to
          be abnegated is the understanding of love in a
          profane society.

             In a profane society, all relations and love are
          based on selfish interests. One person gets along with
          another well only if there is some benefit to be gained
          from him or if he is being taken care of by the other or
          at least is being well-treated by him. Another
          measure is the family tie. People love others just
          because they are from the same family; or from the
          same dynasty, or from the same society, or sometimes
          even from the same nation.
             However, these are not the criteria for the
          believers. Because believers love Allah more than
          anything or anyone.

             “There are some among men who take for
          themselvesobjects of worship besides Allah, whom they

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