Page 30 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 30
28 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
the answer in the Qur'an. Allah states in the Qur'an that He has
deferred the settling of the accounts until after death, when
everyone will be fully paid for the things they have done in this
Each and every one of you will return to Him.
Allah's promise is true. He brings creation out
of nothing and then regenerates it so that he
can repay with justice those who believe and
did right actions. Those who disbelieve will
have a drink of scalding water and a painful
punishment because they disbelieved. (Surah
Jonah: 4)
Your Lord will pay each of them in full for his
actions. He is aware of what they do. (Surah
Hud: 111)
Those who refer to the Qur'an through their conscience
understand that everything they do is known by Allah, and
every good and bad act will be repaid. No action is overlooked,
as many people may wrongly assume. Allah makes known in the
Qur'an the day of account and the real life that awaits everyone
after their account is settled.
The life of this world is a temporary test ground and the
real life is in the hereafter, in paradise or hell. After death,
everyone will be questioned on a day determined by Allah about
their actions. Those who lived according to Allah's wishes, will
forever live in Jannah - the most marvellous abode possible for
a human being. As for the others, they will forever live in hell
where the most extreme forms of pain and distress prevail.
It is a fact communicated in the Qur'an and also through
conscience and wisdom that the real life will begin after death,
and everyone will meet different circumstances in the hereafter