Page 43 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 43
Living the Qur'an by Following the Conscience at All Times 41
He never declines in honesty, and never stoops to commit any
act for which he will not be able to give account, or be ashamed
of in the hereafter. Even if he knows that he will lose income,
he is not tempted to cheat in measure, weight or calculation. In
every issue he is most reliable and trustworthy. He does not
delay the paying of his debts when he has the means; or if
someone who owes him is in difficulty, he may give up the debt.
In the Qur'an it is advised thus:
If (the debtor) is in difficult circumstances, (let
there be) a deferral until things are easier. But
making a free gift of it would be better for you
if you only knew. (Surat al-Baqara 2:280)
A believer never forgets that the only power that will give
favour and prosperity is with Allah. He does not transgress by
being spoiled with what he has, and on the contrary thanks
Allah for every favour He grants him.
There are many other events which man meets in his daily
life through which he can remember Allah and seek His good
pleasure by relying on the truth and wisdom of His Word
conveyed by His Messenger in the Qur'an. Everyone who wants
to live by the deen should read the Qur'an by using his
conscience and practise what he has read once again by
employing his conscience.
The conscience looks for the manners that will
please Allah most
Man's conscience takes great pains in working for the plea-
sure of Allah. It always thinks, 'How can I please Allah most?' It
never seeks other people's pleasure, or worries about its
position in their eyes. It turns only to Allah in penitence.
Some people live Islam not by using their conscience, but