Page 49 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 49
How Does the Conscience Understand That It Has to be Near Allah? 47
Everything around you is created according to the needs
of mankind. Your body works perfectly without any thought
from you. The heart does not forget to beat, nor do the nerves
fail to transmit the necessary messages to your brain. All kinds
of food necessary for your nourishment and survival are
naturally present in the world, and the right amount of oxygen
you need is present in the atmosphere. You have a muscular
and skeletal structure that helps you move smoothly without
giving it any thought at all. You can pick up and hold many items
and walk or run great distances. In addition to the minimal
functions for your survival, you can also feel very distinct
senses for which you are given the required consciousness. The
flavour of various kinds of food, the touch of fine material, the
beauty of a view that you see, or the conversation of a friend
can all please you. And you have a Creator with superior
power Who has created all of these for you. He created you
from nothing, when you were nothing. Had He not willed, you
would have remained as nothing. Yet Allah willed and created
you in the shape of a human being.
Only a few of the blessings Allah grants people can be
mentioned here. To number all the favours of Allah would be
impossible, as stated in the verse:
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you
could never count them… (Surat an-Nahl: 18)
Over and above these favours, Allah has promised those
who follow His way in the life of this world the most beautiful
reward: paradise forever, and every wish fulfilled.
In return for Allah's favours, the most important
responsibility on your side is surely to thank Allah for all that
He has given to you. In a verse it is said:
Allah brought you out of your mothers'