Page 106 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 106


                      WHY IS DENYING THE THEORY OF

                            EVOLUTION PORTRAYED AS
                        REJECTING DEVELOPMENT AND



                                   HE word "evolution" has been used in several
                                   senses in recent times. A social aspect has been

                        Tadded to it, for instance, and the word has come to
                        mean human progress and technological development. There
                        is nothing wrong with the concept of "evolution" when it is
                        used in this sense. There is no doubt that man will use his in-
                        telligence, knowledge, and strength to develop over time. The
                        sum of human knowledge will grow from generation to gener-
                        ation. In the same way that this is not evidence for the theory

                        of evolution itself, which seeks to explain the emergence of life
                        by chance, neither does it conflict in any way with the fact of
                            Yet evolutionists engage in a facile word game here, and
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