Page 13 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 13


                    The social results of the theory of evolution have been ex-
               amined in other books of this author. (see Harun Yahya's The
               Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity, Communism Lies in

               Ambush, The Black Magic of Darwinism, and The Religion of
               Darwinism). It is revealed in these books that this theory, which
               claims to be "scientific," actually has no scientific basis at all,
               that it is a scenario stubbornly defended in the face of all the
               facts, consisting of nothing but superstitions.

                    It is essential that those who wish to learn about the true
               nature of the theory of evolution and the Darwinian "world-
               view" that has systematically dragged the world towards vio-

               lence, savagery, ruthlessness, and conflict for the last 150 years
               turn to those books.
                    This book will consider the invalidity of the theory of evo-
               lution at a more general level. Evolutionists' claims on certain      11
               matters will be responded to with questions that are frequently

               asked, the meanings of which are not entirely understood. The
               answers provided in this book can be found in more scientific
               detail in those of this author's books such as The Evolution

               Deceit, and Darwinism Refuted.
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