Page 69 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 69
Why is the Claim that Dinosaurs Evolved into Birds an Unscientific Myth?
Even if evolutionists are unsuccessful in finding scientific evidence to support
their theories, they are very successful at one thing: propaganda. The most im-
portant element of this propaganda is the practice of creating false designs
known as "reconstructions." With brushes in their hands, evolutionists produce
imaginary creatures; nevertheless, the fact that these drawings correspond to
no matching fossils constitutes a serious problem for them.
evolution." American evolutionists put forward "Nebraska
man" from a single pig's tooth. All over the world, false pictures
called "reconstructions," which have never actually lived, have
been portrayed as "primitive creatures" or "ape-men."
In short, evolutionists once again employed the method
they first tried in the Piltdown man forgery. They themselves
created the intermediate form they were unable to find. This
event went down in history as showing how deceptive the inter-
national propaganda on behalf of the theory of evolution is, and
that evolutionists will resort to all kinds of falsehood for its sake.