Page 85 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 85
Could Life have Come from Outer Space?
Claims that the origin of life could lie in created by "extraterrestrials" is a ploy by
space, or even "extraterrestrials," are means of which evolutionists try to avoid
nothing more than science fiction. No admitting the existence of God, since life
concrete evidence can be supplied to cannot be explained by chance. But this is
back them up, and news and comments totally meaningless, too, because the "ex-
on the subject just consist of speculation traterrestrial" thesis just takes the ques-
that "it could have happened." In fact, tion one step back, and leads to the
these scenarios are quite impossible. Even question: "Who created the extraterrestri-
if we assume that some organic com- als?" Reason and science lead us to an
pounds were carried to Earth by meteors, Absolute Being who created us and all liv-
it is a chemical, physical, and mathemati- ing things, though He Himself was not
cal fact that these compounds could not created and has existed forever. That
have given rise to life by themselves. The means God, the Creator of everything.
fantasy that life on Earth could have been