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Harun Yahya

               Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974.                               130.
             168 Robert Kunzig, "The Face of An Ancestral Child", Discover, De-  197 Simpson, Sarah,  1999,  "Life's First Scalding Steps", Science News,
               cember 1997, s. 97, 100.                                       155(2):25, Jan. 9.
             169 A. J. Kelso, Physical Anthropology, 1. Baskı, 1970, s. 221; M. D. Le-  198 Fabbri Britannica Bilim Ansiklopedisi, cilt 2, Sayı 22, s. 519.
               akey, Olduvai Gorge, cilt 3, Cambridge: Cambridge University  199 Dawkins, Richard, 1996, Climbing Mount Improbable, New York:
               Press, 1971, s. 272.                                           W.W. Norton, s. 282-283.
             170 D. C. Johanson & M. A. Edey, Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind,  200 Alexander  I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936) NewYork, Dover Pub-
               New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981, s. 250.                      lications, 1953 (Reprint), s. 196.
             171 "The Leakey Footprints: An Uncertain Path," Science News, vol.  201 Klaus Dose, "The Origin of Life: More Questions Than Answers",
               115, 1979, s. 196                                              Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, cilt 13, no. 4, 1988, s. 348.
             172 Ian Anderson, "Who made the Laetoli footprints?", New Scientist,  202 Horgan, John, 1996, The End of Science, M. A. Addison-Wesley, s.
               vol. 98, 12 Mayıs 1983, s. 373.                                138.
             173 Russell H. Tuttle, "The Pitted Pattern of Laetoli Feet", Natural  203 Jeffrey Bada, "Life's Crucible", Earth, Şubat 1998, s. 40.
               History, vol. 99, Mart 1990, s. 64. (emphasis added)        204 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of Life, California: 1979,
             174 John Whitfield, "Oldest Member of Human Family Found", Na-   s. 14.
               ture, 11 Temmuz 2002.                                       205 Kevin Mc Kean, Bilim ve Teknik, Sayı 189, s. 7.
             175 D. L. Parsell, "Skull Fossil From Chad Forces Rethinking of Hu-  206 J. P. Ferris, C. T. Chen, "Photochemistry of Methane, Nitrogen
               man Origins", National Geographic News, 10 Temmuz 2002.        and Water Mixture As a Model for the Atmosphere of the Primiti-
             176 John Whitfield, "Oldest Member of Human Family Found", Na-   ve Earth", Journal of American Chemical Society, cilt 97:11, 1975, s.
               ture, 11 Temmuz 2002.                                          2964.
             177 "Face of yesterday : Henry Gee on the dramatic discovery of a se-  207 "New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere and Life",
               ven-million-year-old hominid",  The Guardian,  11 Temmuz 2002.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, cilt 63, Kasım 1982, s.
             178 Ruth Henke, "Aufrecht aus den Baumen", Focus, cilt 39, 1996, s.  1328-1330.
               178.                                                        208 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of Life, California, 1979,
             179 Elaine Morgan, The Scars of Evolution, New York: Oxford Univer-  s. 25.
               sity Press, 1994, s. 5.                                     209 Earth, "Life's Crucible", Şubat 1998, s. 34.
             180 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger  210 National Geographic, "The Rise of Life on Earth", Mart 1998, s. 68.
               Publications, 1970, s. 19.                                  211 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Nashville: Thomas Nel-
             181 Robert Locke, "Family Fights",   Discovering Archaeology,    son Co., 1991, s.325.
               Temmuz/Auğustos 1999, s. 36-39.                             212 Richard Dickerson, "Chemical Evolution", Scientific American,
             182 Robert Locke, "Family Fights",   Discovering Archaeology,    cilt 239:3, 1978, s. 74. (Kimyacı Richard E. Dickerson bunun ne-
               Temmuz/Ağustos 1999, s. 36.                                    denini şöyle açıklar: "Eğer protein ve nükleik asit polimerleri
             183 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time, New York, The Free Press,  öncül monomerlerden oluşacaksa polimer zincirine her bir
               1999, s. 116-117.                                              monomer bağlanışında bir molekül su atılması şarttır. Bu durum-
             184 David Pilbeam, "Rearranging Our Family Tree", Nature, Haziran  da suyun varlığının polimer oluşturmanın aksine ortamdaki
               1978, s. 40.                                                   polimerleri parçalama yönünde etkili olması gerçeği karşısında,
             185 Earnest A. Hooton, Up From The Ape, New York: McMillan, 1931,  sulu bir ortamda polimerleşmenin nasıl yürüyebildiğini tahmin
               s. 332.                                                        etmek güçtür.")
             186 Søren Løvtrup, Darwinism: The Refutation of A Myth, New York:  213 S. W. Fox, K. Harada, G. Kramptiz, G. Mueller, "Chemical Origin
               Croom Helm, 1987, s. 422.                                      of Cells", Chemical Engineering News, 22 Haziran 1970, s. 80.
             187 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett  214 Frank B. Salisbury, "Doubts about the Modern Synthetic Theory of
               Books, 1985, s. 242                                            Evolution", American Biology Teacher, Eylül 1971, s. 336.
             188 Charles Darwin, Life and Letter of Charles Darwin, vol. 2, From  215 Paul Auger, De La Physique Theorique a la Biologie, 1970, s. 118.
               Charles Darwin to J. Do Hooker, Mart 29, 1863.              216 Francis Crick, Life Itself: It's Origin and Nature, New York, Simon
             189 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Thomas Nelson Co.,  & Schuster, 1981, s. 88.
               Nashville, 1991, s. 298-99.                                 217 Prof.  Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim,  Ankara: Meteksan
             190 "Hoyle on Evolution", Nature, cilt 294, 12 Kasım 1981, s. 105.  Yayınları, 1984, s. 39.
             191 H. Blum, Time's Arrow and Evolution, 158 (3d ed. 1968), cited in  218 John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, cilt 264,
               W. R. Bird,  The Origin of Species Revisited, Thomas Nelson Co.,  Şubat 1991, s. 119.
               Nashville, 1991, s. 304.                                    219 Homer Jacobson, "Information, Reproduction and the Origin of
             192 W. Stokes, Essentials of Earth History, 186 (4th ed. 1942); W. R.  Life", American Scientist, Ocak 1955, s. 121.
               Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Thomas Nelson Co., Nashvil-  220 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden
               le, 1991, s. 305.                                              Braid, New York: Vintage Books, 1980, s. 548.
             193 J. D. Thomas, Evolution and Faith, Abilene, TX, ACU Press, 1988,  221 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth", Scientific American,
               s. 81-82.                                                      cilt 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78.
             194 Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Sceptics Guide to the Creation of Life on  222 Cairns-Smith,  Alexander G.  1985,  "The First Organisms",
               Earth, New York, Summit Books, 1986, s.127.                    Scientific American 252: 90, June.
             195 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe,  Evolution from Space,  223 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett
               New York, Simon & Schuster, 1984, s. 148.                      Books, 1985, s. 351.
             196 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe, Evolution from Space, s.  224 John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, cilt 264,

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