Page 103 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 103
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
People engaged in the field of medicine witness with com-
plete amazement how lymphocytes recognize hostile cells,
approach them and inject the poison they carry into them.
How is it that a microorganism with no sensory organs can
distinguish between other microorganisms that appear very
little different to others? The superior abilities employed by
lymphocytes during this process are truly astonishing.
Human beings recognize one another by their external
appearances and voices. Lymphocytes, on the other hand, rec-
a) T-cells are attacking
a cancer cell.
b) Below can be seen
what the T-cells do
during this process.
During the attack, a T-
cell releases the pro-
tein perforin inside it.
Perforin opens lesions
in the targeted cell
membrane, letting fluid
and salts enter in. As a
result, the harmful cell
bursts and dies.
b) T-cell nucleus
T-cell space
Perforin molecules
Interior of
killer T-cell
Interior of
targeted cell Targeted cell
membrane Oktar