Page 63 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 63
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
The Miracle Molecule That Defies
Darwinism maintains that living things emerged and
developed through two natural mechanisms: natural selection
and mutation. In fact, however, it is impossible for either of
these mechanisms to bring into being a new species or to con-
tribute any new feature to one. (For further information see,
Harun Yahya, Darwinism Refuted.) Yet all Darwinian sources
tell us how all organisms are the product of these two blind
mechanisms. Looked at more carefully, however, there is not
the slightest information in these accounts regarding what the
mechanisms in question have achieved.
For that reason, therefore, every evolutionist publication
you may read or broadcast that you might watch is purely
speculative. For example, an article "documenting" how a
marine creature must have begun turning into a land dweller
through various mutations may be adorned with long sen-
tences and scientific terminology. Yet you can never find in
any evolutionist account the answers that really need to be
provided: Where and how did the mutations in question
arise? What effects and changes did they cause in living
things? And by what stages did they come about? That is
because evolutionists are well aware that if they did under-
take to describe these imaginary stages, they would have to
confess that there is no such thing as evolution.
Evolutionists' accounts regarding hemoglobin also con-
form to this same pattern. You cannot find a single account
concerning the alleged evolution of this miraculous
molecule that goes any further than pure conjecture.