Page 95 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 95

Blood: The Incomparable
                                        Liquid of Life

                    In addition to all this, the immune system has a special
                 function that assists the phagocytes, by developing antibodies
                 against most foreign bodies such as bacteria. These antibodies
                 adhere to the bacterial membranes and make them susceptible
                 to phagocytosis. Amazingly, the antibody does this by binding

                                             Macrophages attack enemy cells they
                                             recognize by their surfaces and display
                                             parts of enemies on themselves. This
                                             signal announces the presence of an
                                             enemy in the body and initiates the
                                             immune response.

                                                            (2) Macrophage engulfs the
                                        (1)Macrophages      microbe and displays some
                                        attack the microbe.  parts on its surface.

                                                                   (3) The immune
                                                                   response is initiat-

                          Infected body              Monocytes
                                                                     (4) Proteins are
                                      Mature macrophage              secreted.
                             killer cells
                    Natural killer cells                (5) Monocytes begin  (6) Body
                    attack infected body                maturing into  temperature
                    cells.                              macrophages.  rises.

                 (1) The macrophages attack the microbe. A local inflammation is initi-
                 ated. (2) The macrophages display parts of the microbe on their
                 surfaces. (3) This activates the specific immune response, and (4)
                 causes proteins to be secreted. (5) Some proteins stimulate the
                 maturation of monocytes. (6) And some others cause fever.   Adnan

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